Doodle army Mini Militia is an amazing game that allows the players from all over the world to battle like a soldier. The game has many levels that you will definitely enjoy. It gives you two sticks to play, one to move and other one to shoot. The best soldier who successfully pass all the levels or battles will win the game. If you are multi player game lover, the you should try this amazing game once.
What’s new in Mini Militia v2.2.86
Doodle army 2: Mini Militia always gets itself updated and fixes bugs for better user experience. Here are Mini Militia 2.2.86 updates-
- In the previous version, there were screen lags in Menus and startup while offline. Now in Mini militia it has been fixed.
- It has now fixed issues of account and login that were bothering users.
- It has placed more game servers around the world.
How to download Mini Militia v2.2.86?
Want to have this amazing game in your device? Here are the steps that you need to follow to download Mini Militia v2.2.86-
- Click the download link which we have provided you just below the article.
- Once download completes, go to your download folder and open the downloaded file.
- Now it will ask you for installation permission. Allow the installation to complete so that you cab start gaming.